Your Shamanic Jpurney

Chakra Clearing

Chakra Cleansing and Illumination


Chakra cleansing removes and cleanses toxic and dense imprints from the chakras, or energy centers, from our luminous energy field. Imprints are records from past experiences of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual history, along with their accompanying negative, self-sabotaging beliefs. These imprints are the way that the story lives within our energy body and personal psychology, and can be from our own experience, or passed down generationally, culturally, and through early developmental trauma from childhood.
They tend to organize our reality and can attract similar negative energetic patterns into our lives. They can unconsciously direct the way that we live, heal, age, and die.
After removing the dense energy of these imprints, your chakras  and energy fields are illuminated, that is, filled with healing light or “sami”. Your chakras are finally last rebalanced to change the patterns and stuck energy that attracted the old patterns into your life.
Clearing and removing these energies restores balance and vitality, and often free us from physical and psychological patterns and wounds from our past, allowing us to begin the process of a new path, and the awareness, both physically and spiritually, that you can heal and change your story. I use a combination of hypnotherapy and techniques developed by Alberto Villoldo in this healing method.